General Information

Map of Phuket

Sawasdee Phuket Property

Land Measurement in Thailand

1 Rai = 4 Ngan = 400 Tarang Wah = 1,600 Sqm.
1 Ngan = 100 Tarang Wah = 400 Sqm.
1 Tarang Wah = 4 Sqm.
1 Acre = 2.5 Rai (Approx.)

Land Titles in Thailand

There are many different types of land titles in Thailand. However, we only recommend our clients to buy the following 3 most important land titles;
Chanote: This land has been accurately measured using GPS to set the area and boundaries of the land. The boundaries of the land are indicated by numbered concrete posts. It is considered the best land title
Nor Sor 3 Gor: This land has been measured using aerial survey to set the markers and land area. There is no requirement to publicize any legal acts and it is possible to partition (divide) the land into smaller plots
Nor Sor 3: This is the lowest land title which allows for legally building a property, but is not ideal as the land is measured approximately. There are no markers to indicate the boundaries of the land. However, it is confirmed by law that a person holding Nor Sor 3 has the legal right to possess the land. This land title can be used as a legal document or to use the benefit of the land as an owner. With this type of document, legal acts, of any kind, must be publicized for 30 days or more.